Mahler Forum

for Music
and Society

für Musik
und Gesellschaft


7.– 8.7.2023

Entitled The Power of Wonder – Astonishment as a Driving Force for Community Building, the 2023 Forum devoted itself to astonishment as a motor of thought and its relevance for democratic processes: shared wonder as a wake-up call, as a boundary experience, as an instrument of analysis, and as a bridge between sensation and realisation.
Musical contributions alternated with keynotes, performances, artistic interventions, and open rounds of talks.
Visitors and participants alike were encouraged to think and discuss together in amazement from the perspectives of the visual arts, music, literature, the humanities, and the natural sciences.
The musical program curated by musicologist Morten Solvik was performed by the ensemble of the Alma Mahler Musikverein under the direction of Alja Klemenc and by students of and graduates from the Gustav Mahler Private University for Music.

Through her performance Medium: Theremin Orchestra on July 8, Pamelia Stickney elicited sound from the artistic installation Lampenfieber by Anna Jermolaewa, co-curated by Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein and section.a.
Visitors to the Composing Hut and passers-by are warmly invited to elicit sound from Lampenfieber by Anna Jermolaewa between July and October 2023.

As a partner of the Mahler Forum, the → kä is presenting the video installation Singing Revolution by Anna Jermolaewa at the center.stage from July to October 2023, daily at 5 pm.

Friday 07/07/2023, 05:30–08:00 pm
klagenfurter ensemble

theaterHALLE11, Messeplatz 1/11, 9020 Klagenfurt

from 08:30 pm kä
Museumgasse 2, 9020 Klagenfurt

Welcome & Introduction

Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein, initiator of the Mahler Forum for Music and Society

Musical introduction Ode to Joy

Morten Solvik, initiator of the Mahler Forum for Music and Society

Johann Friedrich Reichardt, An die Freude from Lieder geselliger Freude (1796)

Ensemble of the Alma Mahler Musikverein conducted by Alja Klemenc
Kristina Presker (soprano), Irina Otto (mezzo-soprano), Igor Golob (tenor), Marijan Novak (baritone), Valeria Liaskovets (piano)

Ludwig van Beethoven, Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur, Op. 48, No. 4 (1802)

Ensemble of the Alma Mahler Musikverein conducted by Alja Klemenc
Irina Otto (mezzo-soprano), Valeria Liaskovets (piano)

Deep in Silent Conversation—Bodies in Wonder

Keynote by Hannah Fitsch, neuroscientist


Alma Mahler, Ekstase (1924)

Ensemble of the Alma Mahler Musikverein led by Alja Klemenc
Irina Otto (mezzo-soprano), Valeria Liaskovets (piano)

What Makes Me Wonder…

Christine Scheucher in conversation with Hannah Fitsch and Markus Gönitzer

World premiere of Ode to ...

A composition by Ingi Kim for mezzo-soprano, soprano, tenor, baritone, and ensemble
Based on the text Ode to Joy by Friedrich Schiller, reinterpreted by Sarah Rinderer
Ensemble of the Alma Mahler Musikverein conducted by Alja Klemenc
Steven Vrbanec (tuba), Lukas Aldrian (percussion), Ivana Tripković (piano), Andi Pogačnik (violoncello), Nikola Meyer (contrabass), Kristina Presker (soprano), Irina Otto (mezzo-soprano), Igor Golob (tenor), Marijan Novak (baritone)

On Ode to ...

Morten Solvik in conversation with Sarah Rinderer and Ingi Kim

Repeated performance of Ode to ...

Hosted by Christine Scheucher

As the number of visitors is limited, please register beforehand at Free admission.

Change of location

from 8:30 pm, kä

Opening of the video installation Singing Revolution, rearranged for the kä, by Anna Jermolaewa


Peter Kaiser, Governor and Head of Cultural Affairs of the Federal State of Carinthia
Wolfgang Muchitsch, Director, kä

Talk on Peaceful Practices of Resistance

Anna Jermolaewa and Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein

Music & drinks

Saturday 08/07/2023, 11:00–01:00 pm
Gustav Mahler Composing Hut Maiernigg

Gustav-Mahler-Weg 10, 9073 Maiernigg
Meeting point: beginning of the footpath to the Composing Hut (Gustav-Mahler-Weg)


Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein

Anna Jermolaewa Following the Footsteps of Leon Theremin

Performative guided tour to the Gustav Mahler Composing Hut

Medium: Theremin Orchestra

* to be performed after spending time in solitude at the Gustav Mahler Composing Hut
Pamelia Stickney

Presentation of the installation Lampenfieber

by Anna Jermolaewa

Artist Talk

Anna Jermolaewa and Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein

Visitors to the Composing Hut and passers-by are warmly invited to elicit sound from Lampenfieber by Anna Jermolaewa between July and October 2023.

Filming and Photography during the event
Your personality rights and the protection of your data are important to us. We thus direct your attention to the fact that this event will be documented by filming and photography. The resulting images may be published for the purpose of covering the event on our website and the websites of our partners, on social media channels, and in the regional press in order to provide relevant information to the public. By attending the event, you will agree to their use as stated above.